experinces about cyber law
cyber law cyber law is very dangerous and serious case going on our society now days. in one day more than 1000 people are being victim of cyber crime. cyber crime is crime realted to internet done to people by black mailing and it includes . “revenge porn,” cyber-stalking, harassment, bullying, and child sexual exploitation. and other which may cause death sucide and killing of innocent one. on baisakh 31 we learn about cyber law and its crime in school from police man who came from gaushala. we learn that cyber crime include on hacking and stealing files and other serious issues when we hear crime related to cyber law we may think of stop using internet but this is not a solution we should be more protective and we should be aware of it and make strong privacy setting and not talking with the unknown person and not accepting their request on facebook mainly. we should always be aware of fake profile in facebook and not exchange password between friend other wise we will b...